>Our IC explanation.

People are wondering, this time around what is our IC explanation for being in D’ni. In this thread:


Here is where I stand on it as noted in that thread:

Not sure if explaining everything with IC is a good idea. Doesn’t it reduce the quality of the game?

What game? You think this is a game???

I found out why my ages keep resetting. It’s because after I declare bankruptcy due to lack of m’ni to pay to the guilds, they wipe me clean and make me start from scratch. sad.gif


Naturally my genius was ignored by the masses for reasons I’ve yet to comprehend. However, another genius came in and offered us a piece of wisdom.

I say forget about stupid Yeesha and all that Bahro hocus pocus. Let’s go back to the original goal of the game – back during MUDPIE.

To explore and learn about the D’ni civilization.

Now like my fellow community members I’m all for forgetting the past that lead us to where we are today. We’ve constantly put the history behind us and look at how successful everything is!

Whoever said those who can’t learn from history are bound to repeat it are full of it.

>Why not?


This is why I think it’s important that they get the plug-in info out now, not after it goes up.

Yes, lets put the cart before the horse! After all everything else in this community has turned out well using this method!

>I am Uru. Why wasn’t I invited?

Community, as some of you know from reading The GOGu blog, there is a council being formed to approve and disapprove of ages. But since MORE isn’t here yet they have no choice but to approve and disapprove of offline game ages. Now, while I think it’s a noble cause to tell people what should and shouldn’t be on their PC, lets face it… It’s about as easy as having the FCC censor real life.


BAD wrote:

Did I miss a meeting when everyone decide three is no longer an odd number? Honestly I would like to hear a scenario where the panel will be so swamped with age ideas, that it is necessary to have nine people working on them.

He did apparently… As did I.

Andy wrote:

It was Chogon (Mark’s) idea, and both Tony and Rand loved it. Chogon then asked for a private place to talk to both the GM’s of the GoMa and the Councilors of the GoW over at the GoW forum. We began talking on 13 May, 2008. You were suppose to have access to that forum (who’s link I just PM’ed you).

Paradox wrote:

The forum was only visible to people mentioned specifically by Chogon, and to the GoW and GoMa councils.

Now, I can understand the slackers not being invited, they’d ruin Uru by default as we all assume, they didn’t ruin the first Live, Until Uru, or MORE, but someday they might and we have to take caution! But why didn’t I get in??? I believe in Uru. I believe it has stuff in it! And I believe that it’s not butter. So tell me community… Why wasn’t I worthy?

>MORE elitism?


Now I’m sure whenever some of you see a thread about ResEng’s for MO:RE, words like “powergrab” and “elitism” come to mind. I’m going to do my best to prove to you that it’s all in your heads.

Some people are saying Cyan should be in charge or no one at all, some are suggesting volunteers, and some are saying no volunteers but rather unpaid employees. But the best suggestion has to be this one:

I wouldn’t have a problem with community moderators in the game. It works fine here on the forums and obviously if you really think you have an issue with an in-game moderator, you file a ticket on it just like you would in WoW.

And there you go! I can’t think of a MORE perfect team. Let the MOUL mods handle MORE the way they handle the forum. I dare anyone to complain about it. Seriously, I want to see how long it will last.

And this is a good definition of this “elitism” floating around.

From what I can tell around here “eliteism” = “whichever group I’m not a part of that gets to do stuff”.

Exactly. And since I’m the leader of the guild of guilds, I have nothing to worry about. All your guild things are belong to us. And since I aspire to be just like the MOUL forum team, I can’t wait to see people like my hero whitch2 doing what she does best on the forum, only in MORE.

>Dunny in all it’s glory.

There is a reason why Uru keeps getting shut down! AND there is a reason why there are no toilets in D’ni!

Why make toilets for a game that constantly gets thrown and taken out of one? D’ni sounds like dunny which in Australia means toilet, right?

Case closed. Cyan isn’t really failing. They are just giving us a D’ni/Dunny experience that we’ll never forget. You can’t forget that toilets constantly get filled with shit and well…

>Why does it have to come to this?

A couple days ago the 13 words you can’t say on the MOUL forum were posted in another entry of mine, and today I read the MOUL forum only to find they are talking about the userki!!!! And the moderators are ADDING to the topic with their posts!!! What is the forum I know and love coming to???



One person asked why can’t we have both OOC and IC (userki being on the OOC side of the argument), and I say it’s because as In Cavern specialists, it is our duty to tell people what they should and shouldn’t do in Uru. I may not own Uru, but I will go out of my way to tell you what you can and can’t do.

See, it was a bad idea for Cyan to encourage fans to make fan ages, because now it’ll make people want a userki and an adminki, and sooner or later the cavern will be overrun by those damn colored people, those rainbow colored people ruin the purity of our world just as the userki and adminki would if allowed.

Reading down one of those threads I saw this post.

It has all the standard default functions built into the back end of any 3D admin set of functions to move about freely and to change colors, lighting and set special conditions, so it was a repro of a standard debug tool that is widespread in all games for de bugging and is therefore not a mythical or unique invention..basically a master cheat code set up. As such it changes all the IC nature of the experience. It certainly can be fun for a limited area, and if there are individual servers as Cyan has mentioned that would be a place for it, but it threatens the vault integrity of the larger game. But again an excellent topic for discussion and debate as all of these threads are.

The response just irked me to no end.

Don’t listen to him. He apparently never used the userKI. The userKI caused no database issues. Such accusations are the hallmark of ignorance, nor was it a “debug tool.” It was a gift from the UU Administrators in December 2004 to keep people interested in the game.

If I want to believe that the userki causes low gas mileage, brain tumors, sour milk, and spray on hair straight out of a can, then dammit that is my right as an explorer to believe that!

Think about it! I know I didn’t.