Comcast and EA join forces for the best worst thing ever

They’ve partnered together to create a game streaming service called Xfinity. Of course these games will easily eat through your shitty Comcast data cap. :v Now maybe if they partnered with Time Warner Cable and Ubisoft we could have the four corporations of the apocalypse screwing everyone over under …

Well, we couldn’t buy Twitch… So lets make our own!

I had to laugh when I heard about this the other day. Google/YouTube wanted to buy Twitch, and it didn’t go through. So they basically just said screw it, lets make our own. Who saw that coming? Pretty much everyone… YouTube is preparing to relaunch its livestreaming platform with a …

So I guess Comcast has been at this for quite awhile.

So apparently Comcast has been changing peoples names for quite some time. More have come out on the subject. If you read through the whole article it’s even more of a nightmare. Especially for one person who made several attempts to get her account name changed back with no luck, …

What comcast actually thinks of it’s customers

Imagine getting your cable bill and finding that some “clever” employee decided to change your name to this: The customer could only surmise that the name change had something to do with her request to bring down her monthly expenses by removing the pay-TV portion of her Comcast package, even …

Hollywood thinks Google Fiber will increase piracy

Hollywood seems to think that Google Fiber will lead to more piracy of their movies. It’s not a secret that Hollywood and Google are constantly fighting over piracy issues. While most of the public comments are made on search, there’s another Google product that terrifies the movie studios. Leaked research …

The new Direct X will be a Windows 8/XBox One Exclusive.

Microsoft really knows how to push people to their product: Microsoft has confirmed that DirectX 11.2, the next-generation version of its application programming interface (API) and hardware abstraction layer (HAL) for multimedia devices will be exclusive to Windows 8.1 and its Xbox One console. All I have to say to …