Cyan releases a Teaser Trailer for Obduction

Cyan releases a Teaser Trailer for Obduction

Well, the graphics look real nice which is to be expected by Unreal Engine 4. The release date is June later on this year. I will definitely have this in my library upon release as a prize for having to mentally torture myself through the whole Kickstarter drama that unfolded by doing tons of exploring (not that I haven’t been doing that with Skyrim already lol).

However I will point out one thing that I’ve thought since the announcement of the Obduction Kickstarter, and I’m only pointing this out because someone over at RPS pointed out what I’ve been thinking since the beginning.

I didn’t play Myst back in the day and have heard wildly differing opinions about it. Obduction sounded interesting but talk of Myst ended up overshadowing talk about Obduction so I ended up drifting away. With this trailer I’m still not sure. I think it’s hard to communicate gradual unravelling of mystery in a trailer – I didn’t really get a sense of that side of The Witness til I was playing it – so I’m not really getting a feel for that side of things and it’s ended up at more of an environmental showcase kind of level for me.


It seemed like whenever Cyan went to talk about Obduction they just couldn’t stop talking about Myst. We get it, Myst was an excellent game for it’s time and extremely unique. You can’t deny that. But it doesn’t quite look right to other people when you keep talking about one of your two successes constantly. This would be like if Bethesda talked about the first Elder Scrolls game ever made when introducing Skyrim, or the makers of Tomb Raider harping about how great the first one from 96 was amazing. Or if Valve kept talking about the first Half Life when trying to introduce a new product. It’s ok to talk about and remember those classics, but we’re not here to talk about your past products when you’re trying to tell us about your newest one. We want to know what you’re making NOW.