DIRT Nexus Demo

DIRT Nexus Demo


Chogon wrote:I found the Nexus demo and I talked to Brice (aka Nikto) and I put it on cho. And I found a Glide wrapper that works with it.

You can find it here: http://cho.cyan.com/Headspin/Newnexus.zip
And the nGlide wrapper I used here: http://cho.cyan.com/Headspin/nGlide095_setup.exe
(You can also visit the nGlide home page at: http://www.zeus-software.com/downloads/nglide)

The demo is a little buggy in places (objects slipping thru the floor or cameras not always switching correctly). But you can hit the “r” key to reset the game and start over. There are a fair number of puzzles to solve. But there is no mouse support, so to “activate” things you hit the “a” key. And you can deal with the “inventory” with the “i” key. And the “l” key to “light” the flashlight. Spacebar to jump. There might be more commands but I can’t remember them at the moment.

Have fun!

Pretty interesting stuff. I’ll have to play with it a bit more when I get home from work.