Evening Open Thread

Evening Open Thread

I played around a bit in SFM under Linux. So far the only issue I’ve seen crop up so far is some fps issues when manually rotating the camera. I’m thinking of transferring SFM to another one of my hot swap drives to see if it happens to be a matter of an old hard drive showing its age or if that’s just a thing with running it through Proton. I did a test render under my old Linux install and didn’t run into an issue… then again I’m starting to export my SFM projects as tga stills. I will say it does seem to crash a lot less under Linux, especially when downloading workshop files.

I also found time to jot down some silly idea scribbles, about four videos worth. One of them I don’t have much animation planned for though (related to the After Dark livestream). I might just take a break from it for the weekend though, depending on what I have planned.