Evening Open Thread

Evening Open Thread

In other news the COVID cases at work have easily gone into the double digits, and with more and more people going out on sick our “fearless leaders” still believe all of this is overblown and no different from a cold or flu… I’ve been doing my best to make sure that I keep my distance from people as much as possible, especially when they refuse to wear a mask. They tried to get me to step in for someone who caught COVID recently in another section at our store, and after giving it some thought I had to decline. They work in an area of the store where no one believes in social distancing or using masks (but somehow still believe that Lysol can cure anything from COVID to vaginal cleansing), and as much as I’d be willing to help out I’m also not willing to risk exposing myself in a tiny room where an entire Privilege of paid maskless Karens and Kens crow and roost every morning.

On another note Cyberpunk 2077 released today. From what I’ve been reading in a few places it’s still quite buggy, and in their haste they forgot to include a seizure warning. I plan on getting it, but I’ll wait for a sale and some time for them to get all the patches in order. I played some Crash Bandicoot during lunch today, still hasn’t exploded under Linux. 😛 Keepin’ it classic.