Excellent art by Star Socks, check out their art blog.
A question I keep hearing lately online or from friends in general is “How are we going to get rid of Trump?”, we can’t. We can only resist, fight back by protesting, doing anything to kick Fuckface Von Clownstick’s ego in the balls, donate to places like the ACLU, and more importantly survive and help our friends and family who could be affected. Trust me, I’m an Overlord.
Right now the only people who can get rid of this gelatinous orange shit stain are the republicans, and they’re not gonna do it, not yet at least.

They can impeach him now sure, but that would incur the wrath of their supporters who want Cheeto Benito as their glorious leader. That would make themselves look bad to the crazies they’ve cultivated over the years, which would potentially cause them to lose to someone with the level of crazy these fuckwagons desire. At least until they realize they’re setting themselves to be fucked over also, too, youbetchya.
This last week was exactly what I was expecting. With past presidents you didn’t hear about them every single day. Not with Obama, not with Bush, not with Clinton, etc etc. The Groper In Chief wants everyday to be like a reality show, that’s how he operates and that’s exactly what he’s getting. The more outrageous and over the top the more attention he’ll get.
So, continue to fight back, let yourself be heard, counter all the bullshit. It’ll drive him nuts. Grab him by the ego!