First Open Thread Of 2016

First Open Thread Of 2016

The new year has been pretty boring. Work has been pretty steady, and every day off I’ve had so far has been too friggen cold for me to go out and wreck the town. I got out of my PJ’s, took a shower, and got back into fresh PJ’s to give you an idea. So I’ve been pretty much staying in bed and playing. I decided to play a little bit of Half Life: Blue Shift on the Steam Controller today with a custom config someone wrote. I’ve also been working on my latest video project, which has forced my hand at trying to remember all the in’s and outs of Source Filmmaker. Goes to show I really need to get back into animating, I’ve really gone stale. I forgot how to copy animation sets and had to lookup a tutorial. DERP.

The other day when I wasn’t feeling well I decided to venture off into a game called “Life Is Strange” which I’ve been meaning to play. It’s one of those choose your own path type story games, and the protagonist has the ability to rewind time. So if you don’t like how one particular situation, or if you messed something up you can just rewind time. I made it to episode two before I decided to take a break from it. So far I like it, this game gives me the feels at particular situations.

And the protagonist… I know I’ve seen her somewhere before.
