From Horizon Zero Dawn to Dusk

From Horizon Zero Dawn to Dusk

In the distance is a Church, and not of the partying variety.
In the distance is a Church, and not of the partying variety.

It’s been a few years since I last touched this game, not because it’s a bad game… it isn’t! I just have a really large distracting collection to sift through, and it fell into the cracks. Something about the rainy weather and chai made me want to pick back up on it again, and it didn’t disappoint!

A demon known as a Chomper.

For today’s boss battle: I fought Chomper; the swimming demon anus. I have to admit, it almost killed me… not because of how tough it is, no… I couldn’t stop laughing at the sound it made:

It’s more funny than scary to me for some reason. It’s just not the noise I was expecting! It sounds like he’s looking for someone named Bob. Why is a demon anus looking for Bob? Inquiring minds, etc.

Swimming in a flooded castle.

Much like with AMID EVIL I really enjoy the level design. There’s just something cool about flooding a castle for a swim date with murderous demons and cultists. I’m just a few levels away from beating the third campaign, and I still need to finish the first two! :v For some reason I have saves for all three episodes. My next goal will be practicing playing this on Steam Deck. I’ve already mastered it on Steam Controller, the only way I play FPS on the couch…