The rain convinced me to stay in pajamas today, and to play a game in bed for awhile. Leveled up a bit more in Soul Calibur IV, and I also decided to go back into Yakuza 0. I started a game of it almost a year ago and never got back to it! This ends today…. or tonight rather!
This is the first game I’ve played in the series, and while the cutscenes seem kind of long I do find them to be a nice break on my hand (all those combos); they also do a good job conveying what’s going on. Kiryu (the character you play) was hired to rough some dude up in an alley way, and you do exactly that… there’s just one problem. The guy you rough up gets shot, and you’re framed for it.
I won’t go into the story too much; other than to say that it’s one hell of a ride so far. I feel like I keep going further and further down a rabbit hole, pieces of the puzzle are in front of me, yet not enough to paint a full picture. I had to take a break from fisting an entire board room of Yakuza who wanted some of my sweet ass, as my right hand was starting to cramp up. But I had a hell of a fun time.

My only complaint about the game so far is the minimap. I don’t know if its just me, but I have a difficult time following it to my destination. I keep making sure to try and stand in the right place, and looking over to the top right of the screen to make sure I can move forward. If anything I had a harder time with that than the actual gameplay.
It also dawned on me that there are a few minigames that I could play with another friend! Might have to have a Yakuza bowling night sometime!