Gotta go fast!

Gotta go fast!


Instead of ye olde Skyrim I looked through my vast and nearly infinite game collection that I know damn for well I’ll probably never complete. I arrived at the Sonic portion of my library and turned to Yutram, as we’ve talked recently about characters in the Sonic The Hedgehog series (I’m still trying to wrap my head around the idea of a goffik hedgehog wielding a gun actually existing) and figured he would send me in the proper direction. For the worst experience there was Sonic Adventure 2, and from what he heard Sonic Generations would be the best experience. Naturally I tried out the worst first to get my self loathing routine out of the way and made it to the first boss fight on the hero story arc before calling it quits out of frustration. I’m supposed to attack the cockpit, but couldn’t quite get it to work… Then I decided to say fuck it to the whole thing and went to play Sonic Generations, that was much more pleasant. I like the idea of going in between classic and modern sonic modes. And the graphics? Pretty bitchin’ for a sonic game.

I also discovered the casino DLC, where I found Pinball. One of the greatest games I’ve ever played. The overall experience was much more enjoyable. I’ll try to get back to Sonic Adventure 2, but that felt more awkward than anything. Who knows? Maybe playing the other games will get me more tailored to it.

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Melon Seed
September 24, 2016 1:05 pm

taking some time of I see


Melon Seed
September 24, 2016 1:05 pm

taking some time of I see