Great to be here!!!

Great to be here!!!

Thank you for the warm introduction, Overlord TomalaTram! It’s a real honor and privilege to be blogging here!

As our Overlord mentioned, I am the founder of the Guild of Loud Farters! I am still hoping that we will be able to host our Enchirito, Prune Juice, and Margarita Social, but Open Source doesn’t appear to be opening anytime soon! There is some missing code or summin – Oh noes!!!

I am really excited to be a Guest Blogger! I can blog about some of meh favorite topics, such as Bordeaux and Fromage! Sparkling Wine and Microwave Popcorn! Beaujolais Nouveau and Peanut Butter Sandwiches!!! These are a few of meh Favorite Things!

I also enjoy being a Ranger in Guild Wars! I am working on meh Incorrigible Alehound Title. I’m about halfway there with 5000 Drunken Minutes!!! Wheees!!! I will work on meh Party Animal Titles next for fun! Guild Wars II should be funz toos!!!

Congratulations, Prchrtram, for finishing Prophecies in Guild Wars!!! Amazing!!! You are wayyy ahead of meh!!!

My hobbies including listening to Metallica, Pachelbel, skinny dipping in glacial runoff, yoga, and Deep Woods Photography!

Thank you very much for reading meh blog, and have a great Saturday Night!! Drink Up Meh Hearties and haz lots of funz! Wheees!!!

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Sensei Super Ultra Mega Commander Jedi Samurai ElPresidente Officer The Undertaker GuildMaster Grand Poobah Emperoress/Emperor Shogun Divine Saint Pharaoh Comrade Overlord Tomala of the guiding light
Sensei Super Ultra Mega Commander Jedi Samurai ElPresidente Officer The Undertaker GuildMaster Grand Poobah Emperoress/Emperor Shogun Divine Saint Pharaoh Comrade Overlord Tomala of the guiding light
Melon Seed
January 29, 2011 10:12 pm

Glad to have ya on ette. 8)