Greenville South Carolina delivers us another asshole.

Greenville South Carolina delivers us another asshole.

Last year some of you may remember the epicly awesome internetz adventures featuring the one and only George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina. Well, his time is over and another twatwaffle gets the spotlight. Chelsea Ruff of Tupulo Mississippi who used to live in Greenville South Carolina fired a woman for being homeless.

A Tupelo woman hired earlier this month by a KFC was fired Monday after the franchise owner discovered she’s homeless.Eunice Jasica has been staying at the Salvation Army lodge since early December after losing her job, her car and her home.

The nonprofit organization requires its residents to seek employment daily and, upon finding it, to pay for lodging and start saving for a place of their own. Jasica said she had been job hunting for months and was relieved to find work on March 11 at the KFC on North Gloster Street.

A document signed by that location’s general manager on March 12 confirms Jasica had been hired to perform “prep work” and would receive a paycheck every two weeks.

But when Jasica reported for duty Monday, franchise owner Chesley Ruff withdrew the job offer upon learning she lived at the Salvation Army.

“He told me to come back when I had an address and transportation,” Jasica recalled. “But how am I supposed to get all that without a job?”

After the story hitting the internet quite hard (on a George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina scale) Chelsea Ruff of Tupulo Mississippi (who used to live in Greenville South Carolina) backtracked and said she was fired due to job inexperience and being too old for the job. Now Chelsea Ruff of Tupulo Mississippi (who used to live in Greenville South Carolina) has his nards in hot water due to age discrimination.

Way to keep poor people poor. :roll:

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Melon Seed
March 31, 2013 10:36 am

some of these people have no heart,and really don’t care what happens to anybody but themselves

Melon Seed
March 31, 2013 10:36 am

some of these people have no heart,and really don’t care what happens to anybody but themselves