Gypsy Rose

Gypsy Rose

One of my findings awhile back was some good ol Gypsy Rose. I love the flavor of it, but it does leave me feeling thirsty for more.

I do love gypsy tea though. I have many tins of it in different kinds. It has a nice combination of aromatherapy and flavoring. Definitely a bit much for one mug. Best to make it in an entire pot (which I do with all my tea). Many people know that I’m a POT addict.

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Melon Seed
January 7, 2013 11:57 am

YAS u are LOL
your kitty seems to know about tea also
was up in nothern Quebec for the last week,visiting with Lou’s parents my wife
was cold as hell,and lots of snow
all the blogs u write must give u cramps HAH

Melon Seed
January 7, 2013 11:57 am

YAS u are LOL
your kitty seems to know about tea also
was up in nothern Quebec for the last week,visiting with Lou’s parents my wife
was cold as hell,and lots of snow
all the blogs u write must give u cramps HAH