

I hope the new Uru comes to us soon upon the wings of Cyan. And I have also taken it upon myself to make a list of other things to be hopeful for.

I hope that there are pure canon shards.

I hope there is a war to determine who is more canony than the other.

I hope that there are non canon shards.

I hope to create a task force of fellow pure Uru individuals that go around joining the non canon shards to let them know they are playing Uru wrong. If this comes into being I think I’ll call ourselves the Kavern Keystone Kops or KKK for short.

I hope that there are no ages that include lima beans in them.

I hope lima bean supporters are banned, tarred, feathered, and anything else we intend to do to the people who play Uru incorrectly. I don’t care what people say over at the MOUL forum, there IS a wrong way.

I hope for a dunny in D’ni. It is long overdue, plus the cones are starting to smell rank.

And above all I hope everyone is ready for what is about to come. I know I am. 😉 Why? Because I am Uru and so can you!

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Melon Seed
January 17, 2009 8:15 pm

“I hope to create a task force of fellow pure Uru individuals that go around joining the non canon shards to let them know they are playing Uru wrong. If this comes into being I think I’ll call ourselves the Kavern Keystone Kops or KKK for short.”Hmmmm….. Those letters look familiar but I can’t quite put my finger on it.I like the concept though. We could use a little more structure in the cavern.