I know what my weekend project is going to be.

I know what my weekend project is going to be.

Updated to the latest kernal under Fedora 20 this morning only to have more grief happen. I lost communication in mumble (everything turned horribly autotuned) and even before the kernal update mumble was giving me slight problems. Each time I started mumble it kept doing a sigterm on an audio process. Since my video drivers haven’t been working properly under Fedora 20 anyway, I’ll just go say fuck it and go back to 19. The few bugs I had in 19 were in 20 anyway with extras thrown in.

Oh well, I was bored and had my little adventure. 😛 I think tomorrow I’ll start copying off my files again. Luckily Linux doesn’t take forever to reinstall like any version of Windows. I can be up and running at full throttle in half a day without having to take freaking forever to install updates and restart over and over again.