I loves me some Serious Sam 3

I loves me some Serious Sam 3

Played a bit of it tonight. The graphics are amazing and the monsters are like new! Think it’s getting time to upgrade the video card come tax time. In the meanwhile I can experiment with overclocking the GPU for a little boost.

But yes. Serious Sam 3 puts Duke Pukem Forever to shame. Then again everything does. I like the rockin’ music it has too. At times it even sounds a bit Uruesque (being that Sam is in Egypt it’s only right I guess) at times which makes me wonder if I should be at peace or should I be kicking ass? I could just imagine someone creating a map of Gahreesan for Serious Sam 3. That would be bitchin’.

I noticed that my summer DLC from Second Encounter made it over into Serious Sam 3. I’ve only made it passed Cairo and I can tell I’m really going to like this game.