I read the news today…oh boy.

I read the news today…oh boy.

Cunningham wants to revoke the parts of current state labor law that say kids under age 14 can’t work and kids age 14 and 15 can’t work more than three hours a day on school days, more than eight hours on non-school days or before 7 a.m. or after 9 p.m. She thinks teens should be able to work late-night jobs at resorts, restaurants and motels. And she’s sponsored a bill, S.B. 222, referred to the state senate’s general laws committee on Feb. 10, that would enact the changes.


# children under the age of 14 no longer being limited in being able to work;

# children being able to work during the school term without a permit;

# 16-year-old children being able to work in hotels and motels without restriction on hours;

# the removal of restrictions on employing 16 year olds and requirements regarding obtaining certification and permits for children to work;

# the elimination of authority of the Director of the Division of Labor Standards to oversee employers of children;

# the removal of an evidentiary presumption that any child under the age of 16 present at a place where labor is employed is employed there.

Yes, we don’t have enough unemployed people over here. Lets not only add more, but pay them less than minimum wage!

God we are stupid…