Sorry for not posting. It’s been a rough week between work and home, and I don’t want to go into detail on it right now. I’ve contemplated making a thread inspired by current events, but I’m not the mood to put it into words right now. I’ve been in my own world pretty much since I got home from work yesterday, even had the longest stream of over five hours so far. As soon as I’m in a better mood I’ll come out of my Cardboard Box and become a semi-regular member of society again.

I’ve spent today playing some different games. Like Bayonetta, a bit of Dark Souls and picked up Darkness II again. I managed to get a couple achievements, basically an FPS type game where you can not only kill people with guns but you can also kill them with your dark hentai powers and improve them with various skill trees. If I keep playing it I might have to do a write up about it.