If they only knew…

If they only knew…

10:16 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: does any1 have a girlfriend here?
10:17 AM – OverlordTomala: I’m not into girls.
10:17 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: so you gay?
10:17 AM – OverlordTomala: I’m always happy 🙂
10:17 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: ok 😛 so you homosexual?
10:17 AM – OverlordTomala: Nope, just like dudes.
10:17 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: how old are you? 😛
10:18 AM – OverlordTomala: Older than dirt
10:18 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: what age are you
10:18 AM – OverlordTomala: bronze
10:18 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: …
10:18 AM – OverlordTomala: bronze age
10:18 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: what year were you born in
10:18 AM – OverlordTomala: The one with stuff
10:19 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: what was the exacted year you were born in
10:19 AM – OverlordTomala: Tuesday
10:19 AM – Beararsed: i was born in 19 something something
10:19 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: tuesday isnt a year
10:19 AM – OverlordTomala: Ok I was born in 19 something something
10:19 AM – Beararsed: Tom, for a bit of a troll sometimes, youre doing pretty good 🙂
10:19 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: are you a virgin?
10:20 AM – OverlordTomala: Are you looking for one? :O
10:20 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: im looking for fun time 😉
10:20 AM – Beararsed: he is trying to groom you Tom
10:20 AM – OverlordTomala: He’s looking for a fun time on the internet… lol
10:20 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: im not a he im a she btw
10:21 AM – OverlordTomala: Riiiiight.
10:21 AM – Beararsed: i find tha unlikely
10:21 AM – OverlordTomala: Girls don’t exist on the internet. It’s been said on the internet so it must be true
10:21 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: ofc
10:21 AM – Beararsed: we have out quota of women in this chat already thank you