Is There a Steam Controller 2 In The Works?

Is There a Steam Controller 2 In The Works?

If this is real I will buy it on day fucking one!

The original Steam Controller, which has been defunct now for half a decade, had a rocky history. Well, perhaps not so much rocky as controversial, it having a plethora of diehard fanboys and fangirls but also more than a smattering of detractors, including our very own hardware overlord Dave James. Now—someone shield Dave’s ears—there’s talk of a second iteration already being in mass production.

As an owner of the original Steam Controller I would love to see a refresh of this amazing controller! It’s the only controller that to this day I still play for 99% of my couch gaming exploits, and as someone who also has a Steam Deck I would enjoy seeing the advancements from that added onto a new controller. The Steam Deck allows gyro use not only via the touchpads but ALSO the thumbsticks, which have been great for FPS gaming. Adding two more grip buttons to the back is great too, the grip buttons on the Steam Deck are one of the reasons I have a hard time playing on other controllers. Plus, as much as I love the Steam Controller I would love a proper D-Pad, like they have on the Steam Deck.

If the rumors turn out to be true I’ll be happy to pre-order one. I pre-ordered the original Steam Controller with no regrets, and my OG Steam Deck has proven to get just as much use if not moreso.