It was only a matter of time.

It was only a matter of time.

I think I’m starting to feel better, though I’ve mostly been sleeping and taking lots of different over the counter medicines. Decided to return to the Windows side today to play some Skyrim since I haven’t played much in the last few days of feeling like hell. I met a custom companion, not sure what mod they’re from but I decided to add them long enough to give them some clothes. They were in a dreadful woven tunic and trousers before I reached into my infinite swag bag to make them almost as fabulous as I am.

I have a problem…

Also made it to Morthal for the first time during this playthrough and managed to make a master vampire explode.


I thought that looked pretty epic. Might pick up on it again tomorrow after work if I have any energy left.

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Melon Seed
May 26, 2016 1:10 pm

windows 10 really sucks,YAS

Melon Seed
May 26, 2016 1:10 pm

windows 10 really sucks,YAS