>Late Night Open Thread.

Today when I went out I went out dressed as an overlord should. Dressed to kill.


A Red sweater with a tanktop on top plus a leather jacket. A nice flower from my trip to Hawaii and some earrings hidden behind my Vortiears.


Large red earrings I picked up for $3


Behold. The ring of Cyantology! Bestowed unto my pinky by my Aunt Tor’i. For it was once hers and was given to me at an early age. With this ring it is no doubt that I am destined to rule. I used it’s powers to make San start a personal pizza party tonight. There is no end to my awesomeness.


I have a bit of a ponytail in the back with some hairsticks.


Long boots. When you kick someone with them they won’t fall off your feet no matter how far up your enemy’s ass they go.

I didn’t really do much today. I just made sure that when I went for a walk that the public may think twice about touching me. I DON’T LIKE TO BE TOUCHED.

Went out for a soda, a stroll through the fog and a piece of mind. Followed by some pieces of pizza.

Tune in next time ladies and gentlemen, when I show you the what the bedazzler’s one good purpose is. Throwing at random assholes.


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Melon Seed
May 6, 2009 3:29 pm

Wow, I love your outfit, and the boots are just what you need as an Overlord!!! Yaytram!!!And a Personal Pizza Party sounds delicious!!! nomnomnomnom!!!!Have funs- Wheeee!!!!