Lets close this year up with games I’ve actually finished. O_o

Lets close this year up with games I’ve actually finished. O_o

I figured I would do something different as an end of the year blog post. I’m going to talk about games that I’ve finished this year. Yes! Out of all the games I have there are actually some titles I can honestly say that I’ve finished!


This was up there in terms of games that I could not put down at all. Every night when I got home I HAD to get further into this game. I was captivated by not only the beautiful graphics and the extremely pancake thin french fries. But also the characters and their roles in how everything played out. I kept wanting to find out more about Elizabeth, Booker and those creepy twins that followed me around.


Seriously I almost expected them to appear in some random hallway, saying “Come play with us Booker, forever and ever and ever and ev…”. Yeah… That game was one hell of a circle jerk. But I loved every moment of it. I still need to play the rest of Burial At Sea Part 2 though… and finish the other BioShock games. 😛


I finished this game as a siren, and now I’m replaying it as a mechromancer. I had a hard time getting into Borderlands 1, but that might have been because I had no one to really play with. Plus gamespy always pissed me off (but with it being steamworks now I’ll have to reconsider). I loved the writing behind Borderlands 2, all the characters were amazing and there were even moments that had me busting my gut from laughter. I think Handsome Jack has to be one of the best villains ever created! And the whole storyline was an absolute pleasure to get wrapped up in, and even more fun to play with friends and family. I intend to play all the other classes too. Still need to tackle the DLC for those, but now that the steam sale has arrived, and I’ve been passing around DLC left and right. I think I’ll be able to get around to that. I imagine by the time I play through all the classes AND finish Borderlands GOTY, Borderlands the PreSequel will be cheap enough to snatch up. 😛


I don’t have much to say about Jazzpunk because really, it speaks for itself. I’d say it’s really up there with The Stanley Parable in terms of uniqueness. It’s so abstract, nonsensical and filled with the kind of humor that you would expect from Get Smart or The Naked Gun Movies. You never really know what you’re going to encounter next in Jazzpunk. One minute you’re standing in the middle of a beach, the next you’re playing Wedding Qake, or fighting some honda.

And last but not least…


When I first saw this appear on Steam back in the winter of 2013 for pre-order I was surprised that a Metal Gear title of any kind graced the PC master race. I was aware of the fact that this release had no Snake or Big Boss… But that didn’t stop me from getting it. At the time I didn’t really know who Raiden was or where he fit into the Metal Gear universe since I never played MGS2, so I was willing to give the game a fair shake. In all honesty I liked the game a lot more than expected. Don’t get me wrong, at first it was hard for me to really get into. Not because of the lack of it being a Metal Gear Solid game, but because it was a bit hard to learn for me even on easy. But after a few bad days of work and wanting to slash through the world in anger I got a nice taste for the game as well as properly practicing the controls. Plus when this video was shared with me I suddenly had the desire to continue playing it.


It was fun. I look forward to seeing more Metal Gear titles appear on PC, and I wouldn’t mind seeing all the older ones ported over as well, and maybe even a sequel to this one. 😛

Well, that’s it for 2014. Lets see what the new year has for us, regarding gaming, technology, and real life matters. I look forward a happy, better, newer year.