Makeup, the womans warpaint

Makeup, the womans warpaint

So I was reading manboobz today and came acrossed this article that was published from the MGTOW (men going their own way) site. So what are they ranting about today? Makeup.

This is a gender war. Some men don’t know there’s a war. But almost every man feels something is wrong.

Some men who know there’s a gender war haven’t identified all of the weapons that are being arrayed against them.

One of these weapons is a wyman’s make-up.
Make-up is an unconventional weapon, and it’s often unrecognized as a threat.

Yeah, there is a gender war. It’s called the war on women, and asshats like these started it. Also, makeup as warpaint? Yeah, I’ve made that joke before. But didn’t really see it as a weapon… but then I guess a thing of lipstick could be deadly…?

I’m starting to think they’re more jealous than anything.