Meanwhile… in Canada.

Meanwhile… in Canada.

This story has nowhere to go but down.

There was a MRA (Men’s Rights Activist) meeting (or was it?) in Toronto CA which was interrupted by a not so peaceful protest.

The chick in the red hair went waaaaaaaaaaaaaay overboard. I couldn’t stomach watching the whole thing because lets face it. She sounded like a banshee that enjoyed using the word fuck like a comma.

The result: She has been receiving all kinds of threats from death, to rape, to both. Not to mention sexist comments (not surprising) and anything else under the sun. Even going as far as finding all of her personal information and spreading it around the internet. This is what happens when you leave your life out in the open and shout like a mental patient. The original message you were trying to convey will have been lost. She was trying to read this. I’m not saying she deserves any of this mind you. But when you have your information on the internet for all to see, AND go around acting like this, bad things are bound to happen.

Upon reading elsewhere it seems this was the group being protested. It turns out it wasn’t so much a MRA meeting, it was an event called “From Misogyny and Misandry to Intersexual Dialogue” hosted by the Canadian Association for Equality and The University of Toronto Men’s Issues Awareness Society. The discussion was about sexism from either side and why it’s unnecessary… So why was this protested again?

People like her (as well as the other protesters) don’t help anyone on either side. Actually scratch that. They do help people like Rush Limbaugh, to prove a point on why women shouldn’t be allowed to do anything outside from making babies, dinners and keeping their mouth shut. Why? Because of women like her. That’s no different than me saying that men shouldn’t have the right to vote or equal pay because one of them could potentially fuck a toaster. I mean hey, if at least one of them is incapable of rational thought then why give all of them the same privilege? They could have at least used a condom… /snark

I’m gonna go get drunk now.