Meanwhile… In Rapture

Meanwhile… In Rapture

I’ve pressed onward through Bioshock Remastered, even made it to a point where the game became a horrid lagfest. Thankfully it was in just one area of the game and not the entire thing, though I would rather it didn’t.

If it’s anything I’ve learned about the Bioshock series it’s that 99% of the people you meet are crazy, wanting to kill you, or both.

This person is named Peach, and he ain’t no princess… He let me clobber him over and over again with my wrench. I don’t think he was supposed to do that, but considering how stupid the people in rapture are I’ll just say that he’s a fucking moron.

He sent me on a quest to find a camera and take pictures of splicers (basically the equivalent of meth addicts in this game) for scientific research, and in exchange he would let me into his little clubhouse. Then he made me put down all of my weapons minus the wrench and magical drug powers I’ve accumulated thus far. I murdered everyone and pressed forward, now I’m at a point where I can craft stuff. Now I’m understanding why so many Bioshock fans didn’t care for Infinite, they took out a few things from the first game (and I’m going to guess the second, haven’t played that one yet). Bioshock itself is fun, but I think I still like Infinite better. Though the story seems to follow a similar pattern.