Miniskirts = Rapebait

Miniskirts = Rapebait

Today’s dose of stupid is brought to you by this article at manboobz.

Yes, they actually banned miniskirts due to them being “rape provoking”.

Anyways, if you wear a miniskirt you’re obviously a slut. Why else would they exist? Hell even children wear miniskirts these days! Might as well sell T-Shirts for little girls with “Sperm Dumpster” on them!

Here’s a thought. Since men don’t need women but women need men, and the female form is completely at fault and not some guy with a lack of self control, lets eliminate all women entirely until there is no scary vagina looking substance that remains. Then they can celebrate being the one true better gender and kindly enjoy their eternal sausage-fest like the faggots they are. Or make a rule that forces women to wear a burqa indoors and outdoors at all times to prevent rape. The less they reveal the less likely they’ll be turned on.