Soooo I had an almost pants shitting experience… during my lunch break the other day I checked my email only to discover that my website(s) have been deactivated due to a malware attack. :rick: Imagine having to mentally process this while being stuck a mile away from being able to do a fucking thing. :zorak: Eventually when I did get home I went through the malware scan provided by my webhost, backed off all of my files is, deleted everything, installed a fresh version of WordPress via FTP and got a hold of BlueHost to scan my server and give me the go ahead to go back online. I cleaned out the infected files in my blog install (I only had 4) and as you can see I’m up and running again with all of my posts and settings in check. Other blogs that I run through this domain will be following suit, with my brother being the next one to deploy. Fortunately it only added three files to his install, and I didn’t have to edit any lines.
Once that is taken care of I’ll have a lot of catching up to do on not just blogging, but all of the other shit I put off to try and fix this. I guess it’s another blessing I got those new hard drives. I’ll be planning to make backups more frequently. Setting the blog back up was easier this time around.
I may have more good news too; I found my old database holding my old posts among other things, and I may be able to recover those and make my blog whole again. I’ll experiment on a test site to see if I can get it to work, but if I can that would make me really happy.
It’s just a jump to the left!