More new toys

More new toys

I finally got my hands on a wireless keyboard so that I can type from within bed. This makes it a bit more seamless when moving from the desktop to the living room/bed/wherever I want to go… maybe the bathroom? 😛


My choice is the Logitech K830. It has a built in trackpad and illuminated keys. It lacks a numpad but that’s not really necessary to me. I just want something to control things from afar because, you know… I’m an Overlord? I have to have full control from everywhere…

It also has some built in hotkeys so that you can change your multi-monitor setup, do a file search, play, start and stop music, and more. All of this works out of the box without any additional software, although you can install Logitech’s Options Software so you can personalize it (which I haven’t yet).

So far it’s been working quite nicely. I curled up with it and my wireless controller and tackled a game I haven’t played yet called Freedom Planet. Which I’ll go into further detail in another future post.

So now my nerd setup is finally complete! Well… Until I decide otherwise.

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Melon Seed
February 15, 2015 12:25 pm

like i said before,u are getting to be a real SLACKER YAS