My portable time machine

My portable time machine

I laid out my virus prank this morning, and had interesting results. He wasn’t afraid of it, in fact it seems he wanted the hard drive to be wiped. He was bummed when I showed him that Windows was still available… and then I loaded Windows 3.11 and that still didn’t really phase him. It wasn’t until I pulled out Norton Commander that I began to hear terror in his voice.


He questioned what the purpose of said program served, and I had a fun time trying to tell him that in the old days this was a good program to do file transfers either between drives and floppies, or networking two computers together. Back in the early days of computing Windows didn’t quite take off yet, so it was either this or manually typing in each command to complete particular tasks. NC was also awesome for making a custom launch menu. I remember using this when I was younger to launch DOS games; it was this and Windows 3.1 (and eventually 3.11) that I switched between whenever I wanted to play something. You know, have to have my Skifree fix. :v:

On another note I also wore a poncho and a sombrero to work today on a dare; same co-worker said if I did so he’d give me a free lunch… I don’t think he remembered. I’ll have to remind him next time we work together. 😛