>Next weeks co author position.
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Melon Seed
January 11, 2009 11:36 pm

Pick ME! Pick ME!!

Melon Seed
January 12, 2009 9:43 am

I’m not signing up for the drawing, but do you realize you’ve just opened a world of merchandising opportunities?Imagine enema bottles shaped like DRC members… Bahro toilet scrubbers…

Melon Seed
January 12, 2009 4:03 pm

I, as the NOBLE TSAR Hoikas of Planet Georgia DEMAND the opportunity to air my thoughts.

GuildMaster Grand Poobah Shogun Comrade Divine Saint Overlord Tomala
Melon Seed
January 12, 2009 7:22 pm

Marten wrote: I’m not signing up for the drawing, but do you realize you’ve just opened a world of merchandising opportunities?Imagine enema bottles shaped like DRC members… Bahro toilet scrubbers…Bottling the glowing lake water as an energy drink with algae kept inside (glows out the same way it glows in!), Arch of Kerath keychains, Rand Miller’s “Holy water” (for us practicing Cyantology), and of course if you act now we will throw in a porto potty relto page!!!!Alright, looks like we have KBQ and Tsar Adam HoikasTram Johnso in the bag! Keep them entries a comin’