“No more Mr Nice Guy”

“No more Mr Nice Guy”

Stumbled upon this site and lmao’d.

Here are my favorite nut pickin’s

Did you ever notice that only a woman can talk about the superiority of her own sex without getting booed or scolded?

He has a point there. Men never do this. Never in my life have I ever seen men talk about themselves as being the super ultra mega superior gender. I mean seriously. To suggest otherwise is nothing more than a fairytale.

Did you ever notice there is no shortage of excuses and tolerance whenever sexist speech or behavior comes from a woman? And did you ever notice that any woman who claims to be concerned about “inequality” usually manages to studiously ignore (or angrily deny) the inequalities that favor her?

Ah you mean like how men also try to ignore inequalities that favor them? C’mon you’re gonna have to try a little harder than that! 🙂

Finding ways to talk about those (and other) things is probably one reason you’re here. If you’re a first-time visitor, before you start going all mad at me and sending death threats and hate mail, you should start-off by reading: why I think U.S. women rank among the most sexist humans on the planet, the Top 10 Criticisms I’ve gotten so far… my self-introduction and last but not least, my explanation for why I started this site and why I’ve chosen exile from American gals.

So you’re off the American market then. Nice to see the property values have gone up. 🙂

This page is about, essentially, why NiceGuy thinks Ameriskanks (mostly) Suck *. Such as: their extreme and gleeful sexism. Their accompanying denials of their sexism.

IOW what you’re doing right now. 🙂 r u a girl?

This page is about, essentially, why NiceGuy thinks Ameriskanks (mostly) Suck *. Such as: their extreme and gleeful sexism. Their accompanying denials of their sexism. Their head-games. Their double-standards and double-speak. Their massive and despicable hypocrisies. Their verbal abuse. Their thanklessness. Their narcissism. Their lies within lies within lies. Their never-ending, sanctimonious victimhood mentality. The bigotry they thinly-disguise as “humor”. Their mouthy temper-tantrums. Their “I want everything whether I deserve it or not” attitude. Their unceasing complain-a-thons. Their demands to be continuously pampered and showered with money. The fact that they will spread their legs for a man who gives them enough jewelry, yet will deny their obvious whoring. Their convenient blindness to the fact that they scapegoat men and screw-over men constantly. Their knee-jerk denials whenever it comes time to evaluate their own flaws in an honest fashion. How they’ll complain of men failing to express their emotions while simultaneously ignoring male emotions with smarmy cries of “take it like a maaaayaaan!” The fact that they routinely behave outrageously unfairly towards men yet always demand that men treat them fairly… Did I miss anything?

You didn’t describe women. You just described everyone in the GOP. Well done.

As for the Ameriskanks between the ages of 16 and 35, they occupy a special place in my heart. If you’ve ever met any, then you’ve probably come-away with the impression that they’re (mostly) hopelessly spoiled, incurably psychotic, compulsively mendacious, irredeemably corrupt and intrinsically toxic human beings.

Oh flattery will get you everywhere. 😉

That’s why I moved-away from ’em: I get quite a bit of comfort from knowing I have distanced myself safely beyond the reach of their vile claws. And nowadays I simply view those trolls with a mixture of bemusement and contempt. Especially since quite a few of ’em seem to believe they’re “oppressed” because they get whistled-at occasionally and the Barbie dolls are too curvy. (Pathetic, but true!)

Yeah, that whole paycheck fairness act that didn’t pass in congress wasn’t women getting oppressed. It was to protect small businesses from going under. Sorry ladies. Someone has to suffer so it might as well be you. But don’t worry, you’re just as equal as men are!

When you come to a country like Japan, the egregious hypocrisy and nastiness of Ameriskanks comes-out in spades. For instance: if you ever call an Ameriskank a “slut”, they’ll explode in fury. “Why is it when a woman asserts her sexuality, she’s a slut?!” they’ll screech. But when they come to Japan they’ll see foreign men with Japanese girlfriends and get angry because they’re not the center of attention anymore. So they’ll start to grumble that Japanese women must be a bunch of sluts(!) Hilarious.

Ah, now we come to the part where we pull data from another country to make the point they’re failing miserably to complete. SSDD

And “Where are the REAL men?” they’ll demand, while wearing their Wonderbras, mascara and lipstick. “Why aren’t there any REAL men left?” they’ll whine, with their hair-extensions and acrylic nails. Utterly moronic.

Sigh I really wish you would stop talking about the GOP in that manner. Not all of them are like that.

Ok, I can’t read anymore of this. I need to get back to doing my usual nerd stuff.