Non Cyan shards might kill MOULa oh teh noes!

Non Cyan shards might kill MOULa oh teh noes! … 967#386967

Alien wrote:First I want to state I am not attacking any group that runs a shard or the Guild Of Writers.

The last few evenings (“evening” is for me, about 11:00 KI to 16:00 KI), the city has been near empty.
The regulars who have normally frequented the city, have been attracted away by other things.
When they all decide to leave the city and go to the Fun House, the city empties.
Tonight, there is a party on the Gehn shard, and already the city is empty.

While it is great that people can go off and have fun with these attractions,
I am one of those that stays in the city. New players often turn up near the map with questions.
Seeing the city empty does not look good. People get disheartened and think MOULa is dying.
They then decide to desert the sinking ship before it really does sink.
It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I cannot help thinking that shards are having a negative effect on MOULa.
The argument I’ve heard is “If MOULa is shut down, there will always be shards to go to”
But I believe that it is the very fact there are shards to go to, that is causing the downfall of MOULa.

Yeesha said “Wear it to show which side you’ve chosen, when sides are chosen.”
I wonder if she was talking about Shards vs MOULa
I have chosen my side, and it is MOULa.
I keep coming to MOULa every evening to show my support for Cyan’s MOULa.
Obviously there are those who support the shards, and I do not blame them.
But if we don’t show our support for MOULa, we will lose it.

The sad part is, people will read this, and ignore it, do nothing.

I agree with your way of thinking. People should only be allowed to go to one shard and only one shard, because we know how successful that was during the gametap era. Right?

In fact, lets do what I’ve been doing for years. We’ll go on their shards and protest that they’re not allowed to exist! But we can only do this during parties… We’ll dance to their music and pretend to have a good time when in reality we’re extremely miserable. Then when the right time comes we’ll shout to the heaven’s that their shards are not “one of us” and should be destroyed. Genius! Absolute genius!

Alien wrote:Yeesha said “Wear it to show which side you’ve chosen, when sides are chosen.”
I wonder if she was talking about Shards vs MOULa

Yes, that’s exactly it… Nothing to do with the storyline regarding Yeesha and the DRC which started waaaaaay before fans ever ran shards. Yeesha is telling you that anyone who is a shard owner/administrator is an evil anticyan heathen who will burn in hell for the grand sin of actually setting one up…

Sarcasm mode disabled.

If we ever build a shard I’ll be sure to let Alien in at about the same time I’ll be accepted over at her forum…Never. In fact, I’m in favor of a rule that bans people from non Cyan shards who openly show no interest in them whatsoever, even if the main MOULa shard ceases to exist or goes offline. I had no problem watching people complain and whine that they had no Uru to go to when MOUL finally died while those of us still had a place to go to. No problem at all. Which seems cruel, but really… When you run a server for a long number of years and get told countless times that what you’re doing shouldn’t even be allowed, you kinda don’t care if they get left out.

Now I’m waiting for Alien to complain that other companies are making games that distract people from playing Uru. They should be stopped!