Not sure if advertising or being an asshat.

Not sure if advertising or being an asshat.

Had a busy day of work. Nothing terrible until the end. There has been this old guy that’s been coming in, I’ve only talked to him a few times. Ever since he asked me what I would be doing for my summer vacation (which would be working) he seems to enjoy boasting about how he’s glad he doesn’t have to work unless he wants to. Then he tells me it was all because he didn’t party and worked for the military (not sure why he threw in the partying part). So far he’s had this conversation with me about two or three times. The result is me usually listening to him about how awesome his retirement life is and about how he has more money than he could ever want.

This is all fine and good don’t get me wrong. But why does he have to tell me over and over again (even in the same conversation) that he’s well off? Is he trying to impress me? Seriously, it was almost time for me to leave tonight, and he kept spouting the same lines over and over again for about ten minutes. How he’s thankful that he has a great life and doesn’t have to worry about anything, he can work only if he wants to, then kept wondering why people don’t join and serve their country and thought maybe it was either people being afraid or just not wanting to be patriotic… The way he was wording himself made it seem like he was trying to get some kind of reaction. But I do well keeping a poker face, after all I’m well known for saying anything with a straight face.

I have family and friends who are either serving or have already served. I thank them for their sacrifice and strife. They fight so that we can be free. I may not be in any army branch. Does that make me a cowardly lazy ass? Apparently if you’re that guy…

Then I imagined myself telling a homeless person who lost everything how I’m thankful that I have a roof over my head with food… How well would that go over?