Now Leaving: The All Mother’s Embrace

Now Leaving: The All Mother’s Embrace

After taking down my first Sawtooth last weekend – I wanted to see if I could expand my horizons (no pun intended). This game has the perfect blend of stealth and chaos, and Aloy is an absolute badass!

So far I’ve cleared the proving, learned how to control machines, and have embarked on my mission as a Seeker. It was a fun evening, with mood lighting to match. I even burnt some game themed candles I bought off Etsy with some leftover birthday money, just to make things a tad more immersive. I needed a good palate cleanser after the disappointment that calls itself Shadow Warrior 3. I still plan to pace myself going through this, as I do with many other games. When and if the sequel is ever ported to PC I’ll consider upping my game time. Until then – it’s back to bouncing in between different games.

More images can be found in my Mastodon post.