OBS is now my one and only.

OBS is now my one and only.

I’ve been tinkering with old DOS games and finally found a way to record them under OBS without crashing DOSBox or recording a blank screen. I’ve been tweaking some .conf files to make the games play more to my liking. Now I can fully retire FRAPS, although to be fair I haven’t really used it since a friend on Steam showed me OBS. I kept FRAPS installed in case I ever felt like recording DOS games. I guess that won’t be an issue anymore. 😛 I’ve stress tested Commander Keen and Jazz Jackrabbit and it recorded quite nicely.

In case you haven’t heard of OBS it’s a capture/streaming program. However unlike FRAPS you can install additional plugins and it’s fully Open Source. Also unlike FRAPS it’s also Linux/Mac Friendly. You can check it out here.