One is silver and the other’s dead

One is silver and the other’s dead

Life is like a box of melons

I got an extremely small portion of one of my videos done today. I spent a good couple hours on animating one character in one scene that still needs refining. I took a break and played a little Skyrim, one of the many games installed onto one of my new drives. It seems to be performing better, key word being “seems” since I’ve crashed twice, but its been about an hour in between each crash.

Do you get to the red light district often? Oh what am I saying… you never left!

I mainly did the same thing that I did in Fallout 4, wander around from place to place killing a bunch of bandits, and Silver Hands despite not becoming a werewolf.. Given that I have more silver than they do I would think they would hire me and make me their leader… but alas, they made the pitiful mistake of trying to slay me with their tarnished silver weapons. I only fall at the sight of extremely polished cutlery dammit. :zorak: 

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Melon Seed
December 19, 2018 5:44 pm

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Did somevun say haaaaands?

Melon Seed
Reply to  OverlordTomala
December 19, 2018 6:28 pm

Zat vould be your mother!