>Open Thread

>Open Thread

Today was yet another stormy day. I made a Japanese Omelet and had a low cal Thai soup on the side. Decided to try some Green tea with pomegranate. Good stuff.

Got a gold on one of the L4D survival maps 😀 That made me happy. I think I’ve been playing it a tad much lately because I’m having dreams about it too. I’d rather not go into detail about the latest one though.

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Melon Seed
January 21, 2010 12:25 pm

The beginnings of PTSD?Take an Anonymous Screening. (^;https://www.militarymentalhealth.org/Welcome.aspx

GuildMaster Grand Poobah Emperoress Shogun Divine Saint Pharaoh Comrade Overlord Tomala of the guiding light
Melon Seed
January 21, 2010 4:28 pm

I would, problem is I can't get passed the first part. None of those really describe how I feel.I'll come back when I feel emo.