>Open Thread

>Open Thread

Lets see, last night I went to bed at about 6 am… Woke up at 3:11 this afternoon, got a call from work asking if I could work a shift today at 4. So I took it and came home at 8. Tore into a laptop someone gave me to work on (they wanted it wiped and reinstalled), I ran the install last night after formatting the Hard Drive, did some tweaks to it today and found out that not all of the data for windows installed properly. All sorts of shit was missing like Internut Exploder, windoze update, defrag.exe… And services won’t execute properly or remember what values I enter.I must say this is an interesting puzzle I have. I’m guessing either the hard drive is going bad, or there is a boot sector virus.

So then I decided to take a break and finish portal (again) to see the new ending that was just added today. It’s real… Interesting. I have a feeling it will either be a sequel to portal, HL2 E3, or a crossover of the two.