It’s been another one of those weeks where I can’t wait to go to work just so I can start my weekend. Last night there was no sleep despite going to bed early, just couldn’t nod off no matter how much elephant tranquilizer I used. I’m hoping tonight I have better luck. I feel tired… I think.
Actual Open Thread
I’m not really feeling it tonight. Some irritating shit went down today and I just want to go to bed early.
Open Thread.
Unplanned Downtime At Home
The internet was down at home today for over 9 hours. Fortunately I was at work for over 6 of those hours, and I had plenty to do to keep my internet deprived (or is it depraved?) brain from going nuts. There were presents to wrap, eggnog chai to drink and offline animation to do while listening to my jamz. Now we’re back up and running! Just in time for me to wind down for the evening to do a little reading, maybe fondle my Steam Deck a little. 🙂
This counts as an Open Thread… I guess.
Happy 31st Birthday to OG DOOM!
DOOM turned 31 today! I wanted to livestream some more holiday DOOM to celebrate, but I came home with a bit of a headache. I still played around with it a little bit before knocking off for the night. DOOM Wads really have come a long way, haven’t they?
Another Feel Good Weekend Done n’ Over
I spent a good chunk of the evening getting some animation done. Since I spent the other two days off relaxing I figured I’d have enough energy to do a little animating. We had a nice day overall, it was sunny albeit cold. I had a healthy Japanese inspired breakfast and made some matcha rice pudding as a warm dessert for the cold evening that was to come.
Now I’ve come to that irritating part of the evening where I’m reminded that I have to return to shitty people tomorrow. Oh well, it was fun while it all lasted.
This Isn’t Cursed At All…
We did a tiny bit of Resonite exploration tonight. The winter holiday maps don’t seem to be as fun as the Halloween ones, but they have been interesting to us in their own way. Most of them seem to have been made in the era of NeosVR, we found old viewers and tools that have changed significantly since Resonite’s arrival.
There Is No Place Like DOOM For The Holidays
For the first time in what feels like an eternity I did the impossible and played DOOM… ON TWITCH! I streamed for an hour and a half, talked to a couple of friends that I haven’t spoken with in a long time. It was nice and chill. 8) I’m not sure if I’ll continue to stream, or if this will be a one off until I decide to stream again in a few years… but one way or another there is a chance. I had a lot of fun. 😀
My Weekend Starts Early!
Ah, Resonite… Remember when I spent just about every single day blogging about it because I kept finding new things throughout its worlds? What happened? Oh, right… Lots of other games. We returned to it tonight to explore some holiday maps! Then we ended the night watching YouTube videos in the Crab Space Nebula. It’s a great way to kick off my three day weekend! For the next few days the world is my oyster… or something that resembles one, why? I don’t know.
Tidings of Discomfort and Pain
Another evening of checking out Christmas DOOM Wads. This one was kinda “meh”. Not much of a challenge, had trollish looking graphics for the doors and lifts… BUT! It did have a room dedicated to squeezing demons to death. Also you get to fight a child’s drawing of Santa!
All I can really say is that it was an experience. I’m still trying to figure out what kind of experience, but I know for certain that it is one.
That Sleep Thing
Last night’s sleep cycle was an absolute bust. I was tired enough, but I kept waking up in pain from time to time. It felt like a tug of war between the sleep and non-sleeping worlds. Add on the long work day and it was a recipe for a good dose of I’d better be able to fucking sleep tonight.