The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Things That Go “Oink” In The Night

At long last! After a couple months of working on these scenes I’ll finally, FINALLY be able to piece them together soon! I’m already doing my final animated render, and tomorrow I’ll do one final still shot. Then it’ll be time to finally piece this ridiculous jigsaw puzzle of a video together! While I’m working on those I’ll see about getting some voice recording done for the intro/outro, whether it be from my mouth or someone else.

Evening Open Thread

Spent my final day off relaxing in my PJ’s and continuing my animation. I’ve still got a bit to go, but it’s looking like a week or two to finally wrap it up. I can’t wait! On another note: I’ve been looking at some stuff to spruce up my living space, but need to do more research before I make any real commitments. It’ll be out of this world though once I get it figured out.

Open Thread!

Up In The AER

I tried AER: Memories Of Old for the first time today. I would call this a walking simulator, but unlike other walking simulators this one has a crucial difference – you can turn into a bird at will. This comes in handy since the entire world is made up of floating islands.

At the start of the game you find a lantern that hasn’t been lit in half of forever. Using the lantern in certain areas can reveal secrets of the past:

You don’t fight or try to evade anything, but there is a lot of exploring and sight-seeing. The music and overall atmosphere is also very relaxing. I played this on the couch for several hours today, and gave it another hour or so on my main desktop. It isn’t a hard game per-se, but if you just want to zen out and do some sight seeing, this game will prove far more gripping than Dear Esther. 😛

In all seriousness this did make for a nice zen afternoon for gaming. Nothing but me, the couch, some tea and snacks… and it’s a party.

Crashing For The Evening

Tucking the boi’s away for the evening.

Last weekend it went to the wolves (or at least Okami). This weekend I started off with a Crash… of the Bandicoot variety. I looked into uncapping the framerate, but read that certain boss fights didn’t work too well once going beyond 60FPS. On the bright side it looks beautiful in 4K with HDR turned on!

As much fun as I had tonight I already want to take a break from it. I’m thinking of playing something (or somethings) different tomorrow, perhaps even something I haven’t played before. It could possibly give me something to write about. 😛

Moonless Full Moon

Last night would have been perfect for taking a picture of the moon. It was big, full, and provided a nice silver light on a cozy candle lit evening. It was late though, and my body didn’t want to leave the covers that were slowly pulling me away from consciousness. I was wanting to make up for it this evening, but I was greeted with fog instead. Instead you’ll have to witness a snippet from the “Operation Batman Diary” portion of my project.

On a lighter note, tomorrow is my Friday! I have a food related shopping spree planned, and a relaxing weekend to look forward. I’ll take anything I can get to detox myself of the wretched Karen’s and Cleatus’ that plague our realm of reality. I might play something lighthearted tomorrow — I haven’t played anything since my Okami romp.

Useful Video About Fixing Masks

If by chance you’re like me and still using masks (allergies, the second coming of omicron, whatever), and you pop off the rubber grommet on one of your straps — this video miiiight come in handy:

I had a couple masks that had their grommets pop off in the wash recently, and within a few seconds I was able to fix that problem! All thanks to this video!

Something Nightmarefuel-ish This Way Comes

Tonight I can sleep easy knowing that I accomplished more. It never feels like much, but it really does add up after awhile. This has been one of the more challenging projects, since it involves a lot more body movement than usual, and from different characters you wouldn’t typically see. Maybe I’ll be able to finish this by the end of the month.

Then again, most of what I’ve done isn’t exactly what you would call “typical”.