The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Creative Warmth

I forgot that I had this particular scene to work on before commencing what I call: “Operation Batman Diary”. Fortunately it’s small; I’ll probably have it ready to render tomorrow. I was kind of wanting to render it tonight to keep the room warm; Once again we’re experiencing the “Coldest Winter Ever” and this would have been nice to warm to sleep.

Oh well… It’s just kindling for tomorrow night I guess. 😛

Mummy Killed Him With A Rolling Pin

Another weekend has come and gone. I made sure to enjoy some good food, played a few games and stayed warm on these cold winter mornings. Got a bit more animation done on the current project. I just need to finish one more SFM file and I’ll be able to compile a video! Yes! A video that no one will see until autumn hits.

Still makes for a creepy shot.

The Beatings Will Continue Until The Weekend Starts

Looking forward to beating the weekend into submission, after work tomorrow. I was going to finish up the servers tonight, but my brain insisted on finishing this demented nightmare of a scene. This has been fun enough to work on that I might consider playing around a bit more with it over the weekend, at least as far as background dressing, lighting, etc.

Conquering My Digital Realms

Some progress was made on the TF2 servers! I finally found time to copy over libcurl from my old server to do some testing, and I’m happy to say it works! I’ve started copying the remainder of the server files over. Hoping to finish up in a day or two. In other news I have more nightmare fuel:

Still on schedule for October. 😀

The SFM Diaries: Brainrats Edition

I made more video progress this evening! Sadly I can’t share the particular shot I’m working on… it’s disturbing enough that I want to keep it under wraps until the proper day of deployment. I showed it to one of my friends, and they referred to it as “cursed”. Not an entirely wrong assessment. I can, however, share a shot from a different scene that I was working on last night.

Far more tame compared to what I’m currently working on.

Valentines Day Open Thread

Happy Valentines Day!

I spent the day relaxing, drinking mimosas, popping back chocolates n cheeses, and making some animated nightmare fuel. After all, someone has to. I’m rendering the first set of animations as this is being written. I have a few other rounds in SFM before completing the first video, however.

I may or may not continue tomorrow. I still need to tear into some server stuff first.

I’m Alive!

I’ve been feeling pretty dead since last night — went to bed with a troublesome stomach. Tonight I’m just feeling tired, hopefully I’m not coming down with anything. Other than that I’ve been going full force on animation! I did take a bit of a break and played some Borderlands 2 with Yutram; we’re still tackling the Dragon Keep DLC. We’ll probably have it finished on the next session. It was nice to play a little bit tonight, and with the company of a good friend.