The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Evening Open Thread

Waking up is always difficult during the autumn/winter months. The rain and darkness make for a want to hibernate. I had to fight myself to get out of bed to get ready for another day of work. I don’t care much for the later shifts, but at least it does give me some extra time to eat a bit of breakfast. Also been preparing for an upgrade to my desktop build. Gonna swap out the motherboard and processor and RAM. I’ll be upgrading to the Ryzen 9 9900X. The GPU is currently a 6800XT, which I’m still fine with. I do need to replace a few hard drives, some of them are showing signs of wear and tear after several years of film abuse.  The new motherboard will be able to hold 3 NVMe drives – I’m thinking about getting a few 4 TB drives to really ramp up my storage. The more the merrier, especially since I have quite a few games that play nicer on faster drives. Plus SSD drives are great for rendering 4K footage on. My older 2 TB spinners take an eternity and a half to properly export 4K footage. I’ll probably restructure my files and programs once I have everything setup.

Either way I’m looking forward to it! It’ll be one of my winter projects.

Tonight’s Brief Escape: Freedom Planet

Prince Dail has seen some shit… like me kicking his ass a second time.

It’s been an eternity and a half since I last touched Freedom Planet, or so it feels like. I remember getting stuck on a boss fight and then just buggering off onto the next thing(s). This time I used a little patience and overcame a couple boss battles. 🙂 Now I’ll have to do it again in Adventure Mode to see the dialogue I missed. It was also nice to listen to the soundtrack again – I almost forgot how much it slaps!

From Our Kingdom of Pals

It’s hard to believe that I’ve already captured 30 Pals this evening! Even took down some larger ones, and a boss! We also crafted an incubator, we’ve found quite a few unhatched Pal eggs in our travels and this allows us to hatch them and get new Pals in the process. Our base did get invaded, but we had enough Pals to destroy them! A nice carefree way to end the evening, and my time off.

Making a List of Lists

Still feeling a bit under the weather. Don’t have much energy to work on anything, but I’ve been doing some small stuff like making various lists. To Do Lists, Shopping/Christmas Gift Lists, and a less boring end of the year games I’ve finished list! It’s currently sitting at twelve if I count a couple of mods found through Steam, not bad! Maybe I can get another one or two in the bag before the end of the year? I am pretty close to finishing Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, DOOM Eternal and a couple of others… Miiiight still have some time to squeeze a game or two out. We shall see.

Feeling Catty

It’s been a catty couple of days. I picked back up on Little Kitty Big City! I haven’t touched it in quite awhile, so decided to wander the city and complete a few quests. I also took the time to check out another cat indie game called Copycat.

These two games are like two different ends of a spectrum. Little Kitty Big City is a lighthearted game about accidentally falling out of your window and into the big city. You meet other animals, hats and other things along the way. Meanwhile Copycat is more of a realistic interactive story about how shitty people can be to cats. After finishing Copycat I had to chase it off with some Little Kitty Big City to raise my mood back up. I’ll cover both of them in more detail when I’m feeling better. Been kind of out of it the last couple days. Nothing a little rest can’t cure.

Making Nintendo Cry

We spent part of our vacations on the Palpagos Islands of Palworld tonight. This game is surprisingly good! I went into this thinking this would be a direct troll to Nintendo but actually came to find a proper game instead! I can only go by what my friend Yutram said: That Palworld feels like a cross between Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Pokemon Arceus. You’re stranded on an island where you have to gather materials, kill and/or befriend Pals who are the Pokemon of this universe. We’re still early into the development of our home base, but we made it to Level 10 tonight!

Team Slackers won’t be blasting off anytime soon.

We both explored the land together quite a bit tonight. Though Yutram did most of the base work I did forge clothes and gathered materials we could both use for the base, and for food. I’m surprisingly having even more fun than expected! No wonder Nintendo is suing Pocket Pair.

There’s Harmony in Dissonance

Another rainy day gives way to some cozy gameplay time with Harmony of Dissonance. Been doing A LOT of backtracking, and with having to travel between two parallel castles it starts to add up after awhile. At one point I did end up having to break down and look up some things I missed just so I could continue. I couldn’t figure out for the life of me how to destroy breakable walls, or that I had to find a room to lower an object in a previous room. Even during moments of annoyance I have to admire how sophisticated the layout is. I still probably would have played this on my GBA back in the day if I somehow got my hands on it.