The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Furniture Chess

Not much to write. I got all of the lipsyncing done on what I’m calling “Project Apple Institute” (does not represent final title). I’ll clean it up a bit tomorrow and start on animating the rest of the body.

I’m also in the market for a new dresser and bookcase. My current bookcase is stuffed full of books ranging from science to cooking, and I’d like to trade my current dresser for something a little more horizontal. A former co-worker of mine was also kind enough to donate an Asian themed 5 tier corner table that she had no use for.

I also need to go through all the shit I’ve collected throughout the dawn of time, and pick what to keep and what to toss. There are so many things that I just don’t use anymore, or have no need for. I’ve already thrown away a few things; like my old ghettoblaster, and a couple of dead lamps.

It’ll give me an excuse to make room for some more modern swag.

Now For Something Completely Different

Here is a stage for one of the many projects I have planned! I’ll begin adding the audio and lipsync tomorrow. I also edited down the Borderlands 2 footage from a whopping 12 minutes to a decent 5, and I still need to go through Bayonetta part 2 to determine if I’ll have enough time to finish it before or during October. I’d prefer to release one part after the other, but I could also can it for later date. I’d like to build up enough videos for frequent uploads.

One Week Of Work = Two Days Of Play

I spent a good chunk of the weekend enjoying the new TV! I’ve had the place to myself in the mornings, and I’ve been enjoying the thrill of big TV gaming! Today I brought Carmageddon Max Damage and Yakuza: Like A Dragon to the big screen, and yesterday I played a little bit of Shantae: Half Genie Hero and DMC5; there is just something awesome about seeing a modded game on a big screen.

Making myself out to be a couch potato wasn’t in my weekend planning, but I wasn’t exactly feeling my best either; even sitting at my desk made me feel uncomfortable. I just so happen to feel better enough to return to work now… what are the odds? Oh well, at least it’ll provide some fun war stories for when I go back to work. I’ve been exchanging my fun in the Yakuza games with a couple co-workers.

If I have time tomorrow I might start extracting audio for one of my other projects. Now that I have that one video out of the way I can focus my creativity on something else.

Open Thread!

tfw your brain won’t shut the fuck down

I’ve been trying to sleep, but I’m just too hopped up on Puerh to chill properly. I’m at that mid point between wanting to sleep, and wanting to run a marathon at the same time. Thanks to the added caffeine boost I was able to wrap up the video! Now I just need to make a title card, select a release date, and then I’ll move onto the next project; Something of the short shitpost variety.

It’s weekend time though! Time to do other shit.

Error: Too Tired To Thread

I’ve been sitting here just staring at the screen… I had fun playing Spyro on the couch earlier with Lays in tow, and I have most of the finishing touches on the video; just need a day or two more to finish it and it can go in the can for October. I may or may not continue tomorrow, it’s close enough to being done that I might consider it… but then again that new TV has been quite alluring for my gaming science experiments.

Open Thread!

The Steam Boy Is The Steam Deck

I. Fucking. Want. This.

They have the Steam Deck in three different storage sizes, and for the most part the hardware is pretty solid. It also has an optional dock that you can purchase, similar to the Nintendo Switch.

I’m not going to pre-order, but I do want to see where this goes. I don’t see this replacing my gaming laptop or Linux Surface, but it would be nice to have a tiny gaming handheld for long car trips and other situations where I’m forced to sit down and do nothing…

Evening Open Thread

I didn’t get to tackle the video much tonight; all I was able to start on was the credit layout. I had a few other things to do, and I had to keep my ears peeled for the phone, and that gave me a golden opportunity to play a little DOOM on the new TV. 😛 I get a good 120hz when I run the TV at 1440p. I’m thinking for FPS games I’ll run them below 4K for a framerate boost, and reserve the 4K eye candy for games locked at 60 FPS. My only complaint about the TV so far is that I don’t have enough time to enjoy it yet. 😛

Just Chillin’

Finally got all of the pictures done and processed! I’ll return to Shotcut tomorrow to finish putting it together. I took a little break and did a little gaming on our new big screen 4K. I plugged my laptop in and played a little AMID EVIL with the Steam Controller. I’m already contemplating what my next big screen game will be, something cinematic maybe?

Hungry For Hungarian

Every once in awhile when the weather is cool and I want to make some comfort food I make a pot of lecso; a tomato pepper stew of Hungarian origin. This time around I wanted to try it with Quinoa, which turned out to be a success! When serving lecso as a lunch dish it is common to top it with a fried egg, I don’t get to make it quite as often as I’d like, but that could also be said of many other dishes I like to make. 😛 That’s what I get for trying multiple things!

Sunday Stroll Through Kamurocho

I’ve made it to the final chapter in Kiwami, now I’m just wandering around Kamurocho looking for missing side stories, and of course the occasional Majima encounter, and by occasional I mean it felt like every few minutes. I think I lost track of how many times I had to fight him, he goes all out to try and kick Kiryu’s ass.

Something tells me this is going to happen a lot until I finish the final chapter.