I played around in Krita a bit tonight, and I’m already having a blast editing images! Playing around mainly with manual colour grading and grain for dramatic effect (such as it is).
I still have a couple more scenes to pose, and other photos to play with. More to look forward to tomorrow!
I have about half of the posing done; tomorrow I’ll finish posing a few more scenes, and then I’ll be able to export them for some post processing in Krita! Working with just photos will be a nice change of pace. In the meantime I’ll just leave this here for passers by to check a look at.
Ordinarily, I would say that I’ll probably get nightmares from this, but that’s actually where it originated from. I just happened to have the necessary tools and models to make it a digital reality, and it still isn’t quite complete.
Happy 4th of July! I had it off for the first time in years, and I spent it by sleeping in by accident. I haven’t been sleeping well these last few nights due to fireworks and the next door neighbours’ drunken fighting. I didn’t do anything special, other than make a good breakfast and play more DOOM Eternal. I’m about ready to find the third hell priest, but now the sound of fireworks seems to have calmed down for the night.
Tonight felt like a good night for a little DOOM and carnage; after a long week with verbally abusive assholes it felt as necessary as a squeeze ball. I died sooooo many times, but every time I came back I managed to kill more and more until I could move onto the next objective. This game has done a good job so far of blending FPS and platforming with a bit of puzzle thrown in, and plenty of secrets to also keep you busy. One of these days I might try out multiplayer; I’m currently running it under Linux and didn’t feel sociable enough to play it under Windows.
I might play a little more before calling it a night… the neighbourhood is setting off fireworks, and even now my sleep deprived ass isn’t capable of sleeping through it. I wouldn’t complain so much if I could actually see them, instead of hearing Michael Bay’s orgasms in the distance.
Just when I thought I was done in SFM my brain just haaaaaaad to come up with one more thing for the ending; fortunately they’re all going to be still shots, and if they’re artsy enough I’ll consider putting them up on Steam. I’ll also be playing around with these in Krita once I’ve rendered them, for added effects and swag.
Unfortunately this means I probably won’t finish until the end of next week, but that doesn’t really matter if I’m releasing this in October so… meh. I just have extra time to polish things. 😛
The project is finally coming together! My animated scenes have been added; tomorrow I’ll focus on the audio, credits, intro, etc. Now, the question is how many of these items will I actually be capable of crossing off? 😛
As a little reward to myself for finishing up the last bit of After Effects production I advanced in one of my fave Japanese Soap Operas (or Soapland Opera? I dunno…). I’ve left off at the start of the Ichiban Senbei quest; I didn’t mean to play as long as I did but, cutscenes… lol
I’ll return to productivity tomorrow. I know I’ll have a Shotcut session awaiting me under Linux tomorrow!
I didn’t have much time to do much tonight, but I can at least polish it up tomorrow night, and maybe even render it! I expect to have a video ready to export by the end of the week, or the beginning of next week at the very latest. Not that it matters though since this won’t be seen until October, so enjoy the screenshots! as this is all I’ve got to share until the month of spook occurs. 😛
Did my last SFM render for this project! Tomorrow I’ll have one more session under After Effects, and then I should be able to put everything together in Shotcut! Spent the last bit of the evening showing a friend Obduction on a private livestream. I thought pretty scenery would be a good way to end what was essentially a dull gray day.
Now comes the part where I have to charge up for another week crisis and existential meltdowns.
Instead I went back to Yakuza 0. 😛 I haven’t touched it since last month, and I wanted to get back into punchy beaty up mechanics, oh and pocket racing. 😛 I mostly did side quests. It looks pretty cool running it at 144hz! That annoying inability to save still plagues this game when running it under Proton, so I had to run it under Windows instead… if it weren’t for that tiny little detail it would be a perfect Linux game.
I know a lot of my posts have been Yakuza-centric these last few days, but rest assured; I’ll attempt to post something not related to Yakuza. 😛 I’d like to get a little more SFM done tomorrow now that I’ve gotten a week’s worth of aggression out of my system.