The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Zen Bondage

Birdie Bondage

Have you ever been so tired at the end of the day that you end up staring into space, and you want to do something but you have next to no energy? I got some basic animation done tonight and reached a point where my brain was just… done. I wandered through my large collection of games for something to unwind to, and I ended up playing a freebie I got a long time ago called Zen Bound 2. It mainly consists of 3D objects tied to a rope, and you use your mouse or peripheral of choice to tie it up. Each level has a minimum, medium or maximum goal indicated in the bottom left corner.

With each goal completed a flower will bloom, and you’re able to ascend further up the tree until you reach the top! There are no time limits and it includes relaxing music, perfect for ending an evening on a soothing note.

Each level adds something different. You have to wrap the rope around a certain amount of nails (or nail bombs), or wrap a rope around an object to paint it. I only completed the tree of introduction this evening, but I’ll be back to take another crack at it on an evening where I’m low enough on energy reserves but still want to feel like I’m doing something!

It Isn’t A Yakuza Game Without Overgrown Baby Men

Typical Day At Work

I’m not feeling well, and today was a shitty day overall. I needed something to smile at, and once again Ichiban’s Bizarre Adventures haven’t disappointed. My posse knocked the crap out of diaper clad yakuza, and even got a poundmate out of it!

Taking Out The Trash

I’ve also been having fun finding new Sujimon (it’s like Pokemon, but instead of collecting cute anime creatures it’s mostly deranged men in one form or another). One of the Sujimon I discovered tonight is called a Pseudotrash:It was a nice little escape. I might need to play a little more this weekend! I’d like to try and do more animating tomorrow, assuming my body and mood cooperate.

Embrace The Sentai

Today was a day for recovering my own personal stamina, and part of that was just relaxing and continuing my adventures in Yakuza: Like A Dragon. I discovered Dragon Kart! I also fed my party several lunches after collecting more menacing men for my sujidex… god I love the craziness this game provides.There is just something satisfying about taking down a party of five asshats with one good piece of lumbar, or flaming bad breath… or pigeons. I also accidentally pelted an orange traffic cone at a random pedestrian. Gotta love the physics engine! 😛

Sunday Evening Open Thread

I’ve made it to the first part of my weekend, the second part of my weekend will take place when I start my next weekend… making it a three day weekend. I’ve been pretty much dead since I got home today, other than taking care of some things around the house, and experimenting with games on my Linux Surface Pro. I think I’m at the point where I can unbox my third Steam Controller to tote around in my tablet bag. 😛

I’ll try to post something a little more memorable after some time sleeping on my new charging pad, now that I can have an extended sleep. It feels worlds better than the older one, same with the chair, and all my other new ergonomic swag!

Open Thread!

Doctors Doctors Doctors

I’m still in medical limbo awaiting news on my appointment, and to make matters worse I have another problem cropping up.

Actually, it’s been around for awhile. Back in 2017 I had a failed wisdom tooth extraction; the doctor I saw was someone I’ve gone to since my childhood, he was highly skilled but didn’t have the necessary tools to get it out, which left me with a stuck broken tooth on the right side of my lower jaw. I tried to go to another dentist to try and get it pulled, but this was the year where we had a fire only 6 miles away from town causing Doctor’s offices and other establishments to close up. My job needed me, especially with my partner being on vacation and half the staff gone trying to evacuate. Eventually, when life returned to normal my mouth wasn’t in pain anymore and I ended up forgot about it. I always did my best to keep the area clean, so there were no problems, until now.

About three or four days ago I started feeling pain in my lower jaw where the wisdom tooth currently resides. I made the mistake of shining my portable light torch inside and, wow… I don’t even want to describe what it looks like, but it looks like if I don’t do something with it soon I’ll have more than just pain to worry about.

Come Monday I’ll be talking to a couple Doctors. One to see wtf is up with this MRI situation (if they don’t call me back first), and now a Dentist. Until then I have oragel, advil and some CBD to take the edge off and keep me going.

Greetings From My New Bed

I got a good deal on a whole mattress/box/frame for $25! It even came with a quilt, sheets and pillows worth $75. At that price I’d be a bloody idiot to pass that shit up! It’s a full size mattress, and it fits me and the Linux Surface Pro perfectly! Now I have a little extra room and comfier quarters to have my freakish nightmares in.

All Work & No Play Yada Yada Yada

Decided to play a little Spyro to finish off the evening; I’m still in the Beast Maker’s World, and I only need to complete Metalhead and Tree Tops. Tree Tops is going to be an absolute biatch to 100%.

Once again I didn’t have much time to put into my project, but I did at least manage to edit some audio and added it to my SFM assets. If I’m lucky I’ll be able to start animating tomorrow.

Open Mood Thread

Current Mood: Uhhhhhhh

I didn’t get much time to really do much on my project. I’ve been fighting the Doctors to try and get my damned MRI scheduled, and work was full of a bunch of Karens and Kevins that would make even the most upbeat person want to slit their wrists. I hope the rest of the work week isn’t like this… I’m already having to work an extra day to cover for someone else’s vacation.