Stage 2 of the project is done! I’ve rendered my work from yesterday, compiled it in Shotcut, and tomorrow I’ll play with it a bit more in Shotcut and probably After Effects, maybe even Krita if I can squeeze it in. It’ll be something to look forward to tomorrow after a long day of tolerating the intolerant.
From Stage 1 To Stage 2
I successfully rendered the first part of my animation yesterday, and now I’m working on the other half of the scenes. Yutram was away from his usual computer when I was doing this particular livestream, thus he had to rely on his laptop microphone, which is better than nothing but a bit of an obstacle when thinking about how to animate it, fortunately my imagination is always working on overtime. The audio quality is such that it wouldn’t look right if we were both in the same room, so I’ve opted to have us both in different locations.
I have more animating to pick up on tomorrow. Fortunately Yutram’s Minecraft body is easy to work with (and less creepier than Steve, fuck Steve), at least for now. 😛
Bowls 4 Breakfast
It’s funny how breakfast can be many different things. In China they love their rice congees, noodles, dumplings and more. I decided to try making a spicy pork bowl with some leftover spinach, red bell pepper, ground pork and homemade Shanghai Red Pepper Sauce from one of my favourite cookbooks… which I topped with some diced cucumber. I had it with some egg flower soup and a tangy cucumber tomato salad on the side. It’ll make a nice work breakfast, and maybe some after work lunch too. I also washed it down with some Oolong tea I recently ordered, in fact I’ve been experimenting with different types of Oolong, though I’ll probably save that for a different post. Tea can be it’s own topic when it comes to my collection. 😛
Sunday Linux Gaming Sessions: Japanese Game Appreciation Edition
Today was a definate decompression day. I made myself a Chinese brunch, washed my bedding, and played Japanese games under Linux for the fun therapeutic fun of it. Some Metal Gear, and Yakuza 0. I finally got the game to not crash! The only problem I really have with it is with saving, it doesn’t always want to. In Yakuza Kiwami this issue exists too, but if you spam the save button it eventually does save. Apart from that I’m at least glad it doesn’t die when I press the Y button anymore.
Project Update: It Trudges Along
Still hard at work on my Bayonetta project. It’s looking like I’ll have two videos to produce, at least from what I can tell so far. I spent the evening tweaking my character’s animation, should have most of it done by tomorrow… then I can go off and animate the other half of the scene from another perspective. 😛 I wish I had a picture to share, but it really isn’t going to look like much unless you see it in motion, or with the other half of the scene at play.
More on that later. :v
Your Nightmare Fuel For The Evening
It’s nice to see people having a good time modding the newly released Resident Evil: Village.
In Other News: Windows Update Still Sucks
It’s a good thing I spend about 97% of my time under Linux, plus also run a neutered Win 10 Pro install. This recent update sounds like a special level of fuck to those who were unfortunate enough to have it forced through an update.
The latest offender was “Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. – SCSIAdapter –”, a Windows-recommended driver for AMD users. The problem? The driver was stopping some users’ PCs from booting, and the patch has since been pulled from the Windows Update list.
But the real problem here, as noted by Windows Latest, is that Windows Insider users had already flagged the driver as being dodgy. It was bad enough that users had to resort to some command line kung fu to nuke the update, which is a whole nightmare that nobody should have to go through.
Of course, this only affects owners of systems that run AMD motherboards. If I ran a typical Windows 10 install where it updated to the latest of everything this would have knocked me offline. This is why I spend most of my time under Linux. I can update at a time convenient for me to make sure I have enough time to fix shit if things happen to go awry. 😛
Sunday Open Thread
I spent yesterday evening just nerding about with both my desktop and tablet Linux installs. Mainly playing games in between the two, seeing what crashes or what performs the best. I’ve also been trying to make my Waterfox install on the tablet more touch friendly, and also switching to a different RSS feed reader to better spy on the entire internet. I also did some more work in SFM, but nothing new to really merit making a thread over.
I hope everyone is having a good day, especially if you’re a Momma.
SFM Diary: The Lipsyncining and Choppening Continueith
I’m a little over halfway through the lipsyncing process. With normal Valve models I would normally be able to auto generate phonemes, but the particular model I’m using in this instance doesn’t have any; meaning I have to manually animate mouth movement. It takes longer, but it’s at least doable.
I’m not sure if I’ll continue on it a bit more tomorrow or if I’ll just chill… I didn’t really get a chance to work away at it on Tuesday due to the paying version of work. 😛