The Mind Of OverlordTomala

SFM Diary: The Lipsyncining and Choppening Continueith

I’m a little over halfway through the lipsyncing process. With normal Valve models I would normally be able to auto generate phonemes, but the particular model I’m using in this instance doesn’t have any; meaning I have to manually animate mouth movement. It takes longer, but it’s at least doable.

I’m not sure if I’ll continue on it a bit more tomorrow or if I’ll just chill… I didn’t really get a chance to work away at it on Tuesday due to the paying version of work. 😛

You Wouldn’t Download a Lollipop

Whenever the opportunity presents itself I try to find assets that go with something that could potentially go into a project. In this instance it’s lollipops from Bayonetta. I’m also going to look for a map or two for a potential cutscene; if successful I anticipate something crazy that will take me a mad while to animate.

On the subject of content creation; I’ve been paying closer to my YouTube channel lately. For reasons unknown YouTube’s algorithm has selected a video of mine from over a decade ago, and it’s making me want to also revisit making some Breencasts, and maybe even some other oddball ideas involving comedians and entertainers as different game characters. It makes me wish I could vacation for a few months just to get some of these ideas out of my head and onto a screen.

Has Anyone Checked Out Portal Reloaded?

I checked out Portal Reloaded this evening. It adds a whole new dimension to the game, or rather two. Aside from the traditional orange and blue portals you can also utilize a third green portal that allows you to travel between the present and the future. You can move a cube in the present, walk through the time portal, and find that the cube is where you left it. It’s really quite trippy, imagine your past actions having an impact in the future, and immediately accessible through a time portal!

If you like Portal or Portal 2 I’d give this a try. I’m only on test chamber 4 so far, and I can already tell my brain cells are going to be in for a ride! 😛

Back at it!

Tonight I rightfully returned to Source Filmmaker under my Manjaro install, with my primary focus being how well does the program run on my new swank GPU. After a few good hours I can say that the results are in, and the answer is awesome! My Vega64 ran SFM alright for the most part, but if you imported too many models or particles into the world it would lag when dragging your cameras, even when splitting clips into smaller ones. So far I haven’t experienced that with the 6800XT, even with the same stage setups I’ve created! If this continues to perform as such I’ll only really need to go into Windows to do the export (and possibly for After Effects work if I can’t get it to work under Wine/Proton), and even then I don’t always have to depending on the scene (lighting sometimes looks better under Windows or vice versa depending on the map and the materials being used).

I mostly spent the entire session doing mouth movements and some animation tweaking. I am shrinking the audio as I go; removing any long gaps in between.I’ll continue on it some more tomorrow after I get off work and do my usual stuff. Who knows, if I get far enough along that I can post something different I might provide an update tomorrow! 😛

The Joy Of Brunch

One of the gifts I received during my birthday was The Bob Ross Cookbook; a book so wholesome I was surprised it didn’t burn my hands while holding it. It features paintings by Bob Ross himself, and is written in such a Bob Ross sort of way. Is it gimmicky? Yes it is, Bob Ross is after all a living meme, and that’s ok because the cookbook actually features a lot of nice recipes. I’m on my weekend now, and wanted to try making the “Brunch Palette Quiche”. It calls for Gruyere Cheese, but I couldn’t find any to buy, so I decided to use smoked Gouda instead. It also calls for spinach, but I used a mix of spinach and kale. This is fine though, even the book talks about cooking as its own art form much like painting or anything else. I mean, look at this:

It tastes really good with slices of french bread. If I had time I would have made some form of pancakes to go with it. I’ve never made quiche before, so this was fun! It’ll also be a nice breakfast lunch to take to work with me. It was so good that I had to have two slices. 😛 I’ll have to check out some of the other recipes when given the chance.

I rate this book 420 out of 10.

Praise The Penguin!

I got Linux back up and running on the desktop! This time I’m up and running on the KDE spin of Manjaro, and so far everything seems to be running fine on a newer kernel and set of Open Source drivers. All of my programs are reinstalled and ready to go! I can finally move my projects back to Linux, and even see how my new graphics card performs on the Linux side of things! I launched AMID EVIL just to see if the drivers were working properly, and it ran with flying colours of blood!

I think that earns me a good passing out! I’ll need more energy before I continue further tweaking. I’ve also done more tweaking to my Manjaro on my Surface Pro; added Shotcut, Audacity, and I already had Krita installed for drawing and photo editing. I’m thinking these programs might come in handy if we go traveling this year; it would be nice to be able to do some small video editing or photo tweaking while traveling in motion, especially during long drives. It would be nice to have a video or photo of something ready to deploy as soon as I’m in range of some semi-decent internetz. My next plan for the tablet is to install some light duty games, and maybe a couple of emulators. It won’t be nearly as good as my gaming systems, but during travel it can help kill a little time. 😛

Blogging From Bed

Just wanted to see how it feels to blog from my Linux Surface, and I have to admit I really like the keyboard for typing. It’s a comfortable size and tucks away nicely when I’m done. It’s kind of weird using a touchscreen to make my selections for tags and stuff, but I think I could get used to it with a bit of practice, might even come in handy on the go! Well, moresso…