The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Getting My Groove Back

I’ve got all my ducks in a row for work tomorrow; clothes are ready, morning iced tea is brewed, the awesome tablet is ready to join my gaming laptop for tomorrow’s adventures! Now I’m just having some raspberry pink moscato, along with the last bit of raspberry tea in my pot … lotta raspberry beverage stuff going on and I didn’t plan for that. 😛

I did get some audio work done for the upcoming Bayonetta video; shaved the animation audio down to over two minutes, and there are plans in the works for another “special” ending. I have the audio imported into two SFM sessions… I know I probably say this on every single one of these projects, but I’ll be doing a few different things that I haven’t done before. 😛  I’m sure there will be a few happy accidents along the way, but that’s how learning goes with these things. I’m sure I’ll be here bitching about it if I run into any problems. :v

Bawdewrlands Sunday Getaway

We revisited Borderlands 3 this evening, after taking a small vacation from it after certain game annoyances. We actually had a good time all things considered, and we only heard one line from Claptrap! Riding in vehicles is a bit buggy; Yutram was riding on the outside of his hover doughnut car (in his instance of the game), and my hover doughnut being completely invisible to him!

We left off shortly after meeting up with Maya on her home planet of Athenas.We’ll have to continue our journey on another weekend. As it is I have to get back into the swing of things, work comes day after tomorrow and I need to make sure I have all my ducks in a row. I’ll also get back into working on the next video. 😛 I would have done some prep work yesterday, but the new Surface kinda had my full attention. 😛 Still working nicely btw! More about that in another post… I need to unvampire myself.

My Linux Surface Pro Arrived!

My Surface Pro 6 arrived today! It only took me a couple hours but I have a KDE Plasma spin of Manjaro running on it, with the custom surface kernel even! I did run into a couple of peripheral issues, as the touch screen doesn’t work until you install the surface kernel provided here. Fortunately I still have my old gaming keyboard, and I used my Steam Controller as a mouse. 😛 After getting the custom kernel installed I focused on installing my usual programs and tweaked the overall aesthetics. I’ve been wanting to do something like this for years, and it’s nice to have finally achieved it painlessly.

My next goal will be to take my Kindle HD8 and see if can sideload a different OS on it. I’ve read that it can be done, but if you’re not careful you can do some serious damage to the system. Having a better tablet makes me less fearful of nuking it, that and the HD8 was only a dollar. 😛

Visual Aromatherapy

One of my gifts was a couple candles, and you can never have enough aromatherapy… in fact I have an assload of candles I really need to burn! This one is a lemon watermint candle, and I also have a watermelon one (surprise, surprise). I liked the look of this one though, it inspired me to pull out my camera and play with different settings. I snapped a bunch of different shots on different settings, and this one was the best one out of the bunch. I was trying to go for cozy lighting. My only complaint is that the flame is too bright, but at the same time the softness has a certain charm to it.

Bearth Day Open Thread

Still lovin’ vacation lyfe! Went on a bit of a roadtrip involving amazing burgers and fresh air, opened awesome presents that I’ll need to write about when I’m not sleepy. I’ve been playing a lot of Japanese games lately; yesterday was a Yakuza: Like a Dragon day, and today I completed a couple of missions on MGSV:TPP! I forgot about the birthday wishes Easter egg, and was reminded after rescuing a prisoner. I’ve also been having fun planting C4 Stuffed animals on any COMMS equipment I pass by, makes for a rewarding distraction! 😛

Oh, and I have a new tablet on the way! Should make for a fun experiment!

Today’s Adventures in Breaking My Computer

I played around with Linux today with not much luck. I have a few other things I’d like to try (such as the Manjaro Architect Setup), but decided to study up on Natron a bit for a future project. Unfortunately it doesn’t quite have the effect I’m looking for, so an install of After Effects CS6 is inevitable, and in a way it kinda makes sense using it alongside SFM given they’re both ancient programs at this point. 😛 I was going to experiment in a bit tomorrow to remind myself how to use it, it’s been awhile. 😛 I was also going to upload my new YouTube banner, but found that YouTube is kind of a bag of dicks at properly applying it even when I follow the specified resolution recommendations, meaning it has been shelved until I’m less pissed off to work on it again.

I’ve also been doing some research on tablet PC’s. I’m revisiting the idea of buying a tablet to put Linux on it, and my desire is increasing with every annoying update on my Fire HD8. So far the most popular tablets for Linux are oddly Microsoft Surfaces, and if I were to consider that route I’d have to go with a Pro series; Fuck the Surface RT.

I ended the evening with a little bit of MGSV:TPP. Trying to do the Over The Fence mission, and I keep having to restart from a checkpoint after getting caught. I completed that mission before on an old save, but it’s looking like my head is a little rusty from my previous adventures.

Vacation Mode Engaged

I would have written something sooner but I’ve been pretty much chilling since Saturday, relaxing my muscles and putting my new GPU to work! I’ve also been working on a new YouTube banner for my channel in between game sessions. I played a bit of the newest Yakuza on Saturday, along with some uncapped MGSV and Control. I’m really happy with the performance! Obduction is even tolerable now!

I needed a little time off. I’m already feeling some long missing energy return, as well as some vampiric nights ahead of me. 😛

Evening Open Thread

I don’t have much to write about. Between the last few days of work and some of my project work I’m pretty beat. I’ll have a video to release this weekend! I’m already prepping the second project, and it’s looking like I might be able to get at least two videos out of it. I spent the last hour chopping up video footage, and the new project has about 18 minutes total of content to work with, and currently about 3 minutes worth of animation out of it from the dialogue. This one will take me awhile to do, if I’m lucky I’ll be able to deploy something by October. Much like the last couple of videos I want to experiment with some new techniques that might require learning another piece of software.

The things I do to my brain for entertainment. 😛

Dear Esther: Multiplayer

I’ve been doing a good job breaking in the new GPU! Yutram and I went on some GMod adventuring yesterday; we traveled from Dear Esther to China, it was the most fun I had playing Dear Esther.

I’ve installed some watermelon themed mods onto the main sandbox server, one of those mods is a virus that infects both NPC’s and players. If one of these bouncing melons is absorbed into a victim they will eventually turn green and explode into watermelons; thus multiplying until no one but watermelons remain. Fortunately we contained the virus where no one will ever look; a random hole in Dear Esther (or as Yutram calls it: Scotland).

Yutram also took us on a cruise in his jumbo jet boat.

Dear Esther is a already a scenic experience, but something about adventuring this place with a friend makes it better.

I also upgraded my flashlight. 😛

We ended the night by visiting the watermelon petting zoo at a Chinese temple. What a perfect ending to a perfect day!